
Requesting your help

The Action Group needs your help to stop the Highsted Park development. Donations will fund a barrister to present our case, expert transport analysis, and campaign materials like this website.

Donate via bank transfer

  • Account: LKPC Fighting Fund
  • Sort code: 30-18-06
  • Account no: 35374768
  • Reference: Your Name

Thank you for your generosity. This bank account is managed by Lynsted with Kingsdown Parish Council (LKPC) on behalf of The Action Group.


Teynham & Highsted Community Action has been launched to fight the two applications known as ‘Highsted Park’ – a new town of 8,400 houses to be built between Faversham and Sittingbourne.  We are a consortium of five local parish councils – Doddington, Lynsted with Kingsdown, Newnham, Teynham, and Tonge.

Highsted Park, if granted permission, would:

  • urbanise the rural countryside by building on top quality agricultural land needed for food production
  • cause harm to designated heritage assets and habitat sites
  • create a new motorway junction within the protected Kent Downs ’National Landscape’
  • increase traffic and worsen air quality on the local road network 
  • threaten conservation areas and ancient woodland
  • put excessive strain on local infrastructure such as healthcare and water supply/drainage

We need to raise £40,000 to fund the cost of a planning barrister and expert consultants to represent us in the forthcoming Public Inquiry – at which we have been granted ‘Rule 6’ status, making us a main party to the proceedings. 

If you believe in protecting our precious green spaces, please send your donation – however small or large – to:

Account: LKPC Fighting Fund
Sort code: 30-18-06
Account no: 35374768
Reference: Your Name

This bank account is managed by Lynsted with Kingsdown Parish Council (LKPC) on behalf of the Action Group.